I have just not been motivated to do this blog and today I finally decided I should or I would forget everything. Chloe turned 18 months on Sunday!!! I can't believe she is getting closer to 2 than 1 . So I don't know her stats other than weight since we just had her weighed at the "pinkeye" appointment. She was 29lbs. I am guessing around 32 or 33 inches since she comes up to Liam's shoulder. If she would stay still long enough I might could measure her myself ,but she doesn't sit still unless she is asleep and still is rolling around in there. I just had Joe measure her and she is 33 inches. I love this age . She is learning something new everyday. My favorite thing she is doing right now is motioning to Joe or I to "come here" it is so sweet. If we don't then she comes and grabs some article of clothing and makes you come here. ha ha. I just looked up his 18 month post and they are about the same on everything except puzzles. She doesn't care for them like he did. But pretty much the same size of clothes and diapers.

This was her a year ago.I can't believe how much she has changed. I love her so much!!!
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