Liam is in Cubbies now and it is the sweetest thing. I love hearing him say memory verses and talk about Jesus all day long. His first week he learned his verse the first night it was "God loved us and sent his son." We would ask him who is God's son and his response was Jesus and would talk for a long time about what Jesus did for us. This week it took him till yesterday to learn his verse "While we were sinners, Christ died for us." He wanted to say Christ died on the cross...which is true but wasn't the verse so Joe made it into a song and he learned it quickly. They talked about sin tonight so I ask him what sin is and he said " disobeying, Like when you say wash my hands and I don't" Smart little boy and nothing holds him back like it use to. I am so proud of who he is becoming even at this age. I pray he always loves and talks about Jesus proudly. Tonight he got his vest, book, and bag. He is glowing with pride.
Fresh Drop Alert 🥝
1 month ago
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