Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No pictures, just catching up!

Okay so I don't think our computer will ever let me put pictures up again for some reason but Joe can or when we go to his parents house I will upload some pictures if I remember. Anyway so this won't have any pictures. We have been going nonstop for a few weeks now. I have finally hung up Chloe's drapes so now all we have to do in there is hang things on the walls. I am going to pack her a bag this week just in case. I am only at 34 weeks but you never know what could happen. I went to the doctor yesterday and Chloe's heart rate was 148 and she was bouncing off my ribs. Ouch!!! Everything looks good and in two weeks I start getting "checked" so we will see if any progress has been made by then. With Liam I was 60% effaced and 1-2 dilated at 36 weeks, so who knows with her. Oh and my weight gain for two weeks was 5 pounds and it has just been 2, so somehow I gained a little extra and this now has me at the heaviest I have ever weighed and I am still not done. I wonder what I will get up to? Oh back to the doctor so after she measured me (I don't know what the measurement was) she said well she is STILL measuring a little big! What?! I hadn't heard that before, but was in a little bit of shock so I didn't ask. So now I am wondering how big she is measuring. I know I could call but really does it matter. I go back on Jan. 6 so we will see then. Now on the little man.The Oppenhuizen's got Liam "Finding Nemo" for a Christmas present and ever since Friday afternoon that is all he will watch. He will say "Show" or "Neno" so last night I had to go get a few things from Target and bought him something else to watch. I got a Diego, which he hasn't ever seen that I know of. Well it has 4 episodes and yes we let him watch all four. I can't believe how much he is into movies or shows right now. I got a charm for my necklace from the Oppenhuizens' that has Chloe's name on it , so now I can wear my necklace again. I haven't because I feel like I have two children already(even though Chloe hasn't officially been born) and wanted both on them on the necklace. We had Christmas over here Saturday with my side of the family so my nephews would be able to open their presents. It was such a fun time to see all the boys opening their gifts from everyone, and it will be so weird that next year a little girl will be in that mix of 5 boys. Christmas Eve we will be at Joe's parents house to open gifts with his side and then have dinner with ALL of his side. Christmas it is just Joe, Liam, and I until 1:00 and then we go to my Grandparents house to eat , play games, and open gifts. Can't wait!!!!! Then Friday the best husband and father in the world is turning the big 25. Yeah we are getting old! Ha!!! He is also going to be in a wedding for one of his best friends on that Saturday so he will be trying on his tux and having rehearsal on his birthday, but I am sure we will do something later that next week since we are both still off work. And then my nephew Julian is turning 2 but we won't be celebrating it till sometime in January with all the December, January birthdays. So busy but lots of family time!!! I will try and upload pictures with all the gifts Liam receives this year. Have a Merry Christmas!!!