Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Soy didn't work out

So we tried the soy for Chloe and well it just didn't work out. We did it for more than a week. She started having diarrhea with lots of mucus in it. Spitting up again which she has not done since she started simply thick. And her eczema came back with a vengeance. I gave it time but couldn't let this continue when she was doing so well on the Pregestimil. So where do we go from here?! Back to Pregestimil this weekend: spitting up stopped, diarrhea stopped , no mucus in stool, eczema was still pretty bad. I went to walmart to get some Aquaphor and hydrocortisone to see if this would help. After one application it was like magic. So I had called our GI doctor and left a message to see what we needed to do next. In the meantime we had gone to get some groceries and I thought we could try some baby yogurt and see what happens with milk since the test had come back negative on that as well. This morning I give her half of the yogurt cup and she is fine, we go to the park for an hour, come home drinks a bottle , takes a nap and WHAM!!! Eczema is out of control all over. I give her some benadryl and put cream on her and this is 7 hours after she consumed milk.
This isn't that great of a picture but you get the idea of what it looked like. Poor thing! Dr. G calls me back to answer questions:

  1. Why did the RAST test come back negative if she is having this reaction? It was mainly to see if she would have an anaphylactic reaction which she didn't but obviously can't tolerate any of them yet.
  2. What do we do now? Trial and error, basically just what I did today. Little bits here and there are record the reaction if any. Maybe she will start to tolerate when she is older but possibly will not be able to.
  3. Our next appointment with you isn't until after her birthday, what do we give her after she turns one? He will let us speak with the Nutritionist at the clinic to discuss what all she needs if she still can't have milk. Foods will give her the calories and fats she needs but the calcium will probably come from two tums a day.

So now we just wait and see basically. As far as the eczema goes I am trying to treat her here at home because I don't want them to pick up anything at the doctors office if we can avoid it. As far as Liam and the soy well he didn't like it after a few days and neither did his digestive track. So we are just giving him his zantac and so far so good. He hates the way it taste but we get it in him.


Kristi said...

OMG! That is nutts. So I guess she isn't highly allergic but still allergic. Poor baby. FYI my laptop got a virus so it is hopefully being fixed. In the meantime I having to use mom's comp when I can get over there. So if you e-mail me I will eventually return it. Other than the eczema is everybody well?

Monkey and Me said...

We battled hives...for months!! Zyrtec was the best thing for Brynlie's allergic reactions. I have a little pink razorback jacket and that swim suit I was going to give you, if the jacket doesn't fit just throw it in the next sale. It won't sell in Kansas :) It's either 12-18 months or 18-24, can't remember.

Monkey and Me said...

We battled hives...for months!! Zyrtec was the best thing for Brynlie's allergic reactions. I have a little pink razorback jacket and that swim suit I was going to give you, if the jacket doesn't fit just throw it in the next sale. It won't sell in Kansas :) It's either 12-18 months or 18-24, can't remember.